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10. GIMP Resources

There are many online resources that can be used to get additional information about the GIMP. The best place is the GIMP's home page, which can be found at  

This Web site is full of information and resources for the GIMP. It contains FAQs, information about GIMP internals, installation help, and developer info. It is also a source for downloading both the current stable and developer's versions of the GIMP as well as the archive of patterns, palettes, brushes, gradients, fonts, and scripts. Finally, this site also points to other sites displaying GIMP art and other important links.

Two other sites that are related to are
The first site is the repository for GIMP plug-in filters. This is where the latest versions of new and old filters can be found. The second site is the online reference manual written by Olof and Karin Kylander. This manual is also available as a printed book. See [3].

A great place to ask questions about the GIMP is on the newsgroup
This is the place to look for answers to questions about the GIMP. As usual with newsgroups, it is considered polite to look through older postings for an answer before blindly posting your question, which might have already come up three times this week.

As for news and developments about the GIMP, there is no better place than GIMP News, which is found at
This page will keep you abreast of everything going on in the GIMP world. It's a great place for us GIMP junkies. ;-)

Finally, much useful information is probably available right on your machine as man pages.  Try checking out

% man gimp
for plenty of additional information.
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